What’s in my Camera bag on a wedding day?

What’s in my Camera bag on a wedding day?

What's in my camera bag on a wedding day?

Maxim Photo Studio camera bag 2024

With over 20 years of experience, I’ve learned what camera equipment for wedding photography I need to bring with me on every wedding day. My camera bag (Pelican case actually) is pretty much my magic bag of essentials and nice to have camera gear and accessories.

In my third year of photography, in the early 2000s, I experienced the old adage that if I didn’t have something in my bag then I would definitely need it on a wedding day. Ever since then my wedding day photography kit includes everything from camera bodies to lenses to flashes and reflectors. Here’s my list of must-have items that should always be in tow, even if they’re not used that often. 


2 camera bodies


Having two different options for camera bodies is crucial. Both are always on me with various lenses so I am ready to capture action without having to switch lenses or pausing the action. This way I can be present in the moment to witness the authenticity of the day. All of the cameras have two memory card slots so they can shoot to two cards simultaneously. This allows me to backup every image as soon as I click the shutter button.


6 lenses


These lenses are always with me on a wedding day, though my 28-70mm and 135mm are my far my favorite lenses. I bring my out 200mm for portraits along with the 85mm or 135. Canon’s 200mm f/2 is regarded in the world of photography as arguably the BEST portrait lens ever developed. 85mm and 135mm lenses are also fantastic at separating the individuals from the background. IMHO, there are no better lenses than these three in 2024 for portrait photography. Check out the separation of the subject from the background.

Canon 200mm F/2 lens Portraits
Canon RF 85mm F/1.2 portrait lens
camera equipment for wedding photography Cincinnati 4

My 28-70 is an excellent lens for comprehensive group portraits, and then I switch to 15-35 when I need to capture a large group.

Canon RF 28-70mm F/2 portrait lens
camera equipment for wedding photography Cincinnati 6

8 flashes

I have two flashes which I sometimes use on top of my camera, four flashes for amazing lighting at receptions no matter where I am and two strobes for portraits to provide a powerful and portable lighting option.

About Maxim Photo Studio

Authentic. Modern. Unique |  Maxim Photo Studio is an award-winning destination wedding photography studio focusing on providing a great wedding day experience. Our studio is located in Nashville, Tennessee, and Cincinnati, Ohio, which allows us to offer local wedding coverage in two significant markets while still being able to travel all over the world for our clients.

Since 2005, the Studio has specialized in candid and on-location documentary wedding photography. We focus on capturing distinctive and authentic images in a non-intrusive way.