The Bell Event Centre Wedding
You may remember that we photographed their engagement in Chicago where they lived. I started with Rebecca at the boys at Spring Hill Suites by Eden Park with the getting ready and some formals. Those who have been to Spring Hill Suites realize that the shooting locations are few and far between unless you consider an open parking lot with bright sun a good location which we don’t. The solution for us was too shoot ‘tight’ to avoid the background distraction and as always we made the scene work exactly as our vision.
At the same time as I was photographing the boys, Angela and Chloe were busy capturing amazing images of the girls getting ready at one of the Bridesmaid’s condos in Cincinnati. I had a chance to drive over there to capture my own vision as well.
The ceremony took place at St. Xavier Church downtown Cincinnati. It is an amazing church from within and outside. Check out some shots of Lea and Tom below. After the ceremony, we drove to P&G Gardens to capture some skyline shots and then proceeded to go to Eden Park for the last of our portraits. Remember how I talked about not shooting with the bright sun above, well we made sure that we found ‘Open shade’ at Eden park and for the those times when the shade wasn’t available we used our studio strobes to ‘ovepower the sun’. This is the technique whereby we made sure that the subject is properly lit irrespective of the sun. Because the sun is powerful, it takes a lot of light to overpower it and use it to our advantage.
The reception was at The Bell Event Center. The Bell was lit up well thanks to Dan Blevins, the owner of CSC Special Events.  Also much like our overpowering the sun concept for bright sun, we have a technique where we light up the reception hall using four strobes to create a one of kind feel of light, shadow, and contrast.

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